Learn Local and Alliances Project

The Learn Local Partnerships, Networks and Alliances Project was sponsored by Southern Metropolitan Region Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) which commissioned Keysborough Learning Centre to manage the project. In its project brief, ACFE described the project as follows:

"Learn Local organisations are increasingly changing the way they operate in order to meet the needs of external stakeholders. There are a myriad of arrangements being established which range from the very simple to more complex service sharing and business development models."

"These changes often require the formation of new cooperative business relationships between Learn Local organisations in the form of partnerships, networks and alliances. Building and sustaining these relationships is challenging. These challenges can arise at any stage of the relationship including formation, maintaining, sustaining and exiting." (Project Proposal Learn Local – partnerships, networks and alliances, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), 10 July 2012, p.2)

The project consisted of two workshops, and subsequent mentoring in partnership development which was available to participants. Learn Local organisations from the ACFE Southern Metropolitan Region were invited to participate.

Click here for a full copy of the Learn Local Partnerships, Networks and Alliances report.

Click here for a full list of project materials developed by this project.

For any other query, please contact Neil Cooper, General Manager of Keysborough Learning Centre and Project Manager on neil@klckeys.com.au